Digital Marketing Strategies that work for Traditional Businesses

Winning the Content Game


Why is Content Creation Important? CEX (Content Economy Expo) is an annual event that brings together industry leaders, content creators, and technology providers to explore the [...]

Winning the Content Game2023-05-06T16:35:09-07:00

Video Editing Software – Which is the Best?


Video editing software has become essential for small DIY business owners. The correct tools can help you make stunning visuals to draw in your viewers and [...]

Video Editing Software – Which is the Best?2023-05-06T12:15:13-07:00

Rethinking YouTube


Is your YouTube Channel Attracting the Right People? After attending #SMMW23, I am rethinking my YouTube strategy. YouTube is not for me; it is for [...]

Rethinking YouTube2023-03-21T16:23:58-07:00

What Marketing Worked In 2022?


Can you answer this question for your business? What marketing worked for you in 2022? The answer to this question comes down to tracking where every [...]

What Marketing Worked In 2022?2023-02-22T21:33:54-07:00

The Secret to the Best Brand Name


These Six Tips Reveal the Secret to Discovering the Best Brand Name Giving your business a memorable name is one of the most necessary things to [...]

The Secret to the Best Brand Name2023-01-24T15:28:44-07:00

5 Reasons To Repurpose Video Content


Why Repurpose Video Content? If you're like most people, you probably have a love-hate relationship with video content. On the one hand, it's an incredibly powerful way to communicate [...]

5 Reasons To Repurpose Video Content2022-10-05T14:11:58-07:00

3 Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Website


What would you do if you had more traffic coming to your website?Well, I would hope you would convert that into leads or clients.What happens outside your [...]

3 Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Website2022-10-26T13:44:21-07:00

How To Attract Your Target Audience


How to Attract Your Target Audience Who is your Target Audience? It is hard to attract your target audience if you have no idea [...]

How To Attract Your Target Audience2022-08-04T20:22:20-07:00

Customer Appreciation


Customer Appreciation Strategies Why do we need a Customer Appreciation Strategy? Many business owners really do not understand where their leads come from - because they never ask! [...]

Customer Appreciation2021-04-21T14:39:28-07:00

Embed a Tweet


How to Get Your Tweets into Your Website Twitter has allowed for embedding for Tweets for quite some time now.  This is the first time I have taken advantage of [...]

Embed a Tweet2017-11-12T13:11:50-07:00

Email Marketing


We all know that email is an effective avenue for marketing.  Here are some interesting email stats pulled from different sources by Salesforce. 25 Mind Blowing Email Marketing Stats from [...]

Email Marketing2017-11-12T13:52:58-07:00

Content Curation: Blog Content


Blog Content: How to find Content for your Blog Finding content for your blog is not hard ~ it can come from your knowledge or someone else's knowledge.  The [...]

Content Curation: Blog Content2019-03-18T13:07:26-07:00
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