AskDotty Episode 1: Facebook for Business
AskDotty Episode 1 – Facebook for Business
The AskDotty Podcast is where you can get your questions about websites, social media, and doing business online.
Episode 1 is all about using Facebook in your business for Online visibility, marketing, etc.
Facebook Tip: Should I have a Business Page, or can I use my Personal Profile?
If you are using Facebook for business, you need a Business Page. Business Pages are open to the public and fully indexed in the search engines, while personal profiles are not. Business Pages can be liked and followed by an unlimited number of people, while profiles are limited to 5000 people. There are many more reasons to have a business page, but these are the top two reasons.
Do Hashtags work on Facebook? Ronnie Noize asked this question.
Hashtags are a great enhanced Search tool. If you put a specific hashtag into the Facebook Search the results will show you every place that hashtag has been used on the entire platform. Posts, videos, comments, images – everywhere. An example of this is the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce is running a hashtag contest right now. The hashtag is #GVCCgrant2017 . When the contest is over, they will do a Search for the hashtag, and everyone that has used it will come up in the search result – where they will choose a winner.
Another use is branding – I am using the #AskDotty hashtag for all posts related to this show.
Facebook Tip: Change your Cover Image often.
Why you might ask – every time you change your Cover Image your Fans and Followers get notified in their Timelines. Think of it as “free” marketing juice. Some ideas – every month is some holiday – create a new image for that holiday. Create Cover Images for your specials, offers, etc. Studies have shown that changing the Cover Image twice a week is ideal for better visibility.
Is there a rule of thumb for how much of your advertising budget to spend on Facebook?
Many small business owners do not have a marketing budget. So there is no real number. I would spend a small amount and test out the ad. If it works consider increasing the spend amount.
Facebook Question by Karen Ault – Should I do a mix of personal and business posts on my Business Page?
Yes – you can mix personal posts on your Business Page – as long as they are not too personal. My rule of thumb – if it is something I would not want my Grandmother to read, then I do not post it. I post pretty images from local areas that people would enjoy looking at, or your involvement at community events – things that are not too personal but would allow your Followers to see a more rounded version of you as a person.
Facebook Tip: “Our Story”
This is something Facebook seems to be rolling out slowly – not everyone has access yet. It is like your about description on steroids! You can add a great
Cover Image, use Headers (for optimization) style your paragraphs with a basic text editor (bold, italics, etc.) and add images through out the page. There also does not seem to be a limit in length. It is a great opportunity to really tell the story of your business and make it stand out. Look for “Our Story” on your About tab for editing.
Facebook Question by Connie Dorigan of Dorigan and Associates – How can I get more visibility on my Business Page?
One of the strategies I use is to leverage the Groups I belong to. Since your target market is people looking for better jobs, or people looking for better employees, you should find groups where these people are already hanging out. You can find groups by entering your main key words into a Facebook Search and look at the results. There should be a section for groups related to those key words. Look to see if they would be good groups for you to join, then once you are a member you can SHARE your posts from your Business Page to that group – more people will see the posts that are in your target market. You should start getting more engagement and visibility. But remember – nobody likes spam. So make sure the topic of your posts are helpful to that groups audience.
Facebook Question from Erika Laws – I do a lot of Facebook Live videos as well as regular videos. How can I get more views on my videos?
When posting videos to Facebook you want to post them directly instead of sharing from YouTube. Videos posted directly will play automatically when in someone's Timeline. The more “plays” you get the more visibility the video will get. Also I have a strategy where I will share my videos to relevant other pages or groups, as well as my personal page – do not do it all at once but over a few days. The more you Share the video the more eyes it will get in front of and the more views it will get.
Facebook Tip: There are Tabs on the Left hand side of your Business Page.
These Tabs can be ordered and activated or deleted from the Settings | Edit Page area. You should deactivate the ones that you are NOT using, and look at all the ones that are available then make sure you are using all the ones relevant to your business. You can also click and drag them into a specific order from this area as well.
Facebook Question from Ellen of Journey Community Church – How do I get more visibility for my Events?
The events that you are currently adding as basic Posts should be added as actual Events. You should have an Events Tab (if not see prior tip to activate). That way you can use the tools that are available for Events – like inviting specific people, adding the location and time and getting a map, sharing to other Pages, or Groups, and even Boosting the Event. In your case – if you Boost an Event I would narrow the audience down to your specific area and desired demographics since you are trying to get new members.
Facebook Tip: Facebook is a really great place to get Reviews.
There is a Review Tab that has its own url. If you do not see the Review Tab it needs to be activated – look at the prior Tab tip. You can send people (or add it to your website) the url where they can leave your business a review. You can comment on it just like any other Facebook post. It can be liked, shared etc – just like any other Facebook post. This is another way to get more visibility for your business.