Blogging: A Business Blog with Purpose
Blogging: A Business Blog with Purpose
How to Blog
Business owners hear that they need to Blog ~ but have no clue How to Blog! They think it is:
Technically Challenging
Time Consuming
“I am not a writer” is heard often
________________ Insert any other complaint
Business Blogging: Blog with Purpose
There are many reasons to Blog. Each of these reasons has a purpose and goal behind them. Here are a few:
Get your information out to the public ~ this is the main reason for people that are considered writers
Show your Authority and your Business Expertise ~ Great reason for Business Owners
Improve your website Search Engine Placement and Page Rank
Attract the right kind of new clients
Get traffic to your site from a larger variety of sources
Improve inbound links
How to Blog with a Purpose
As a business owner you do not have time to waste. Each and every thing you do Online needs to lead you closer to your goal ~ closer to achieving your plan. Here are a few ideas to keep you focused and moving forward with purpose.
Create 3-5 categories and make sure everything you write will fit into one of these categories. If it does not then do not write it.
There needs to be at least 10 blog posts in each category before creating any new categories. This will keep your Business Blogging efforts more focused.
Before creating your Categories perform some basic keyword research to be sure they are words that are actually being searched, not just what you think people are searching.
Listen to your readers/customers and provide useful content FOR THEM
Make your posts more than just sales pitches ~ they need to be useful tips that people can actually implement. This sets you as the authority and they will buy your services/products when they are ready.
Business Blogging is all about your potential and current clients. If you make it about them you will have great success. You can get step-by-step training on how to blog.